I joined the Department of Computer Science at San Francisco State University as an assistant professor in August 2024. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 2019 and received my M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Mississippi State University in 2015 under the supervision of Prof. Pan Li. I received my B.E. degree in information engineering from Xidian University, Xi'an, China, in 2012. My research interests include Cybersecurity (security and privacy in distributed machine learning, Blockchain technology), Artificial intelligence, with applications in the cyber-physical systems (UAV, Robot, power systems) and bioinformatics. For more information, please find me on:
[11.2023] Our paper is published on MDPI Information! [11.2023] Our paper is published on MDPI Mathematics! [05.2023] Our group is funded by NSF (REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Robotics and Autonomous Systems)! [03.2023] Our paper is published on IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing! [03.2023] Our group is funded by Kent State University (E450 Fixed Wing eVTOL Drone)! [12.2021] Our group is funded by The U.S. Air Force (A UAV Dock Station with Hybrid Data Transfer and Power Charge Capability for Projecting Multiple UAVs to Large-Scale and Long-Durable Missions) [01.2021] Our paper is published on IEEE Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy! [08.2020] Our paper is published on IEEE Internet of Things Journal! [03.2020] Our paper is published on IEEE Acess! [11.2019] Our paper was accepted by the Workshop on Security and Privacy on Blockachain! [10.2019] Our paper was accepted by IEEE BigData'19! [08.2019] I joined Kent State University as an assistant professor! [07.2019] I will serve as the TPC member for ICNC'20 WN! [05.2019] Our paper was accepted by IJCAI'19 (AR: 850/4751=17.9%)! [04.2019] I will serve as a program committee member in The First Workshop on Security and Privacy on Blockchain for Big Data Applications (SPB'19)! [04.2019] I have successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation! [12.2018] Our paper was accepted by IEEE BigData'18 (AR: 98/518=18.9%)! [11.2018] I will serve as a TPC member for IEEE GreenCom'19! [11.2018] Our paper was accepted by ACML'18 (AR: 57/230=24.8%)! [08.2018] I will serve as a TPC member for ICNC'19 WN! |